About Us

Who is behind Gray Barn Designs?

Gray Barn Designs is the brainchild of sisters Cindy (Ohio) and Sandy (NY)!  We are two (of four) sisters who grew up on a dairy farm in Western New York in the 1960’s and 70’s.  Our logo is a caricature of the gray barns on our family farm.

We grew up working hard at milking cows, delivering calves, slinging hay bales and picking rocks from the fields. We also rambled through the woods, picking lots of blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberries and making play houses with glacial rock formations, sticks, AND an abandoned chicken coop (which required the task of “cleaning” the coop, if you know what we mean!).

We spent long summer days outside snacking on bacon, lettuce, tomato, on white bread sandwiches, slathered with mayo and sprinkled with salt and pepper.  We also drank gallons of Kool-Aid from colorful aluminum cups and played on rope tree swings that hung from a giant maple tree.


Family legend has it that when our great-great grandfather bought the farm, this tree was big enough for our then 11-year-old great grandmother to have a swing in it. This old tree has hosted a lot of little girls and their dreams!Enter a caption

When the cold winter wind was blowing across the hilltop, we slept under quilts made by our Grandmother, Great Grandmother and Great-Great Grandmother.

Cindy received a toy sewing machine for Christmas when she was about 8 years old. The same year Sandy received a carpenter’s toolbox. So, you see, Cindy had a head start on her quilting life…but she is the older sister!  Sandy began quilting in 2014 after some encouragement from her childhood friend and quilt-pusher/mentor.


Cindy and Sandy learned to sew on this circa 1957 machine!

After college, we all moved away from the farm, but it is still in our hearts and forms the foundation of our identities. We think that it makes us hard workers, good friends and excellent hired hands.

Sandy now lives near the farm where our parents still hold court, so the blog frequently includes scenes and stories from this magical place.  Cindy now lives in Ohio and visits the farm as often as possible.

                        Cindy      and      Sandy   

Quilt pattern making is our passion. We love modern quilts and scrappy quilts especially.  Our dream is to write our own quilt pattern book as the next step in our creative journey.  Thanks for stopping by Gray Barn Designs!
