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Goal Setting

For my entire adult life I’ve never been very far for a day planner. I’m not sure when this habit started, but my “problem” was enhanced with the masterful development and marketing of “day timers” which exploded in popularity in the 1990’s. At that time I was working for a consulting company in Dallas and our management team was filled with organizational freaks who liked to flash their busy schedules. I wanted to be just like them.

I’m trying desperately to transfer my habit to my iPhone, but am having only marginal success. Meanwhile, this sits front and center at my desk and I carry it wherever I go.

Inside there are the random daily lists: things to do, things to think about, long-term goals, books I want to read. I even have a quilting goals list. If you don’t write it down, it doesn’t happen, right?

Anyway, this list is old, since it doesn’t have an item called “pick up picnic quilt from Ms. G.”  But I accomplished this undocumented goal anyway. I’m so excited!

Picnic quilt returned from the long-armer.

I really love the way the recycled, pieced back came together.

After work today (yes, I have to work on Labor Day), I’ll focus on figuring out whether or not I have enough fabric left over from the green border to make the binding. If not, I’ll be adding a new list item for next Saturday titled “Things to Buy at Material Rewards“.


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