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Vegetable Day Dreams

It’s about 150 degrees here in central Ohio with 99.99% humidity.  Okay, I might be exaggerating just a little!  Me, I am day dreaming about all the sweet corn that is growing tall in all this heat and humidity.  Sweet corn from the mid-west is a culinary delight.  I always freeze a dozen or two so I can use it for soups and special dinners throughout the winter.

While I am waiting for the sweet corn to ripen, lots of fresh, local produce is available and I am just loving it!  Speaking of vegetables…I wanted to share this adorable quilt with you, you can find the pattern here:  Purl Soho Quilt Pattern.

Sandy made a similar quilt for a friend who is a horticulture instructor.  Once I saw it, I had to be a copy cat!  It was fun looking through my scraps to find just the right fabrics for each vegetable.  I used mostly batik scraps and a few others that were too cute to resist, like the carrot leaf fabric!

The butterfly isn’t included in the pattern, but I added one just for fun.  I found this yellow and white fabric that had navy spots in just the right place for a butterfly!  I embroidered the antennae in navy blue pearl cotton thread because it has a smoother finish than regular embroidery thread.

I added some french knots (using pink pearl cotton thread) to the garlic blossom for more visual interest.

I used more pearl cotton for the onion and garlic roots.  I love my dark fuchsia beet!

Maybe you have vegetable dreams of your own that have turned into quilts!  Let us know what they are!

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